The Fine Art Gallery > Antique Furniture
Tapestry Wing-Back Armchair
About the furniture
A tapestry Wing-back armchair covered with 'Verdure' tapestry fragments.
English 18th Century
Carved Walnut
Made in the first quarter of the 18th Century
Acquired from H.W. Keil, Broadway, Worcestershire in 1949. In a letter dated 19th July 1949 Keil writes:
"Dear Lady Vivien, We were very pleased indeed to see Sir Laurence and yourself in our showrooms yesterday" .... "I am sending a photograph of the fine Queen Anne chair covered in the 17th Century tapestry. This armchair is well worth possessing since it has a very fine frame and the upholstery is thoroughly clean; in fact the stuffing was renewed when the tapestry was replaced. The colours, too, will give dignity to any room and I have offered this chair at a very reasonable figure."
(The Vivien Leigh Archive, Victoria & Albert Museum, London, THM/433/6/1)
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